
Preparing for divorce from a narcissist requires meticulous planning and emotional readiness. It’s akin to preparing for a marathon; you need to secure your finances, be ready for a long legal battle, and understand the emotional toll it may take. Such preparation is key to counteracting the narcissist’s attempts to control the divorce process and protecting your interests.

Sometime it is not enough for former spouses to enter into a divorce decree to determine their support obligation and divide their assets and debts, one must be able to collect on the money orders/judgments. It is not unusual that people evade their legal responsibility to pay support or pay out the former spouse. Below […]
Dissolution in California No two marriages are be the same. But one thing is common among marriages, they all start with the forever-together-until-death-do-us-apart promises. Yet, fate takes its own turns and so, it follows that no two divorces would be the same either. Although every marriage has its own disagreements, things could sometimes get out […]

Studies show that approximately 40% of children will experience the breakup of their parents’ marriage prior to turning 18 years old. Children of divorced parents are more likely to experience emotional and behavioral problems in comparison with their peers. Although there is a belief that some children are better off with divorced parents than living […]
A Case For Divorce Mediation
So you’re getting a divorce. As you are planning your exit strategy, the first thing your friends and family will tell you to do is to get a lawyer. Of course, they tell you that because they care for you and want to protect you, but is that necessarily the best course of action? If […]
Benjamin Franklin once said, “[i]n this world nothing can be said to be certain, except for death and taxes.” What if death happens in the midst of a divorce or after judgment has been entered in a divorce case? California law provides that if a party dies while a divorce case is pending, then the […]
Do you need a prenuptial agreement?
With various publications about a prenuptial agreement and what it can do to protect spouses in a divorce such as this article, http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/money/perfi/basics/2010-03-08-prenups08_CV_N.htm, many people believe that a prenuptial or premarital agreement is the answer to their financial worries. However, there is a general misconception about the purpose and legal force of a prenuptial agreement in […]
Are you looking for an excellent and affordable divorce lawyer in the South Bay? Have you interviewed with various lawyers but have no idea how to select the “right” divorce lawyer for your case? In addition to these tips http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alyssa-ann-rower/how-to-choose-a-divorce-l_b_778857.html, there are some statements that upon leaving a lawyer’s mouth should be taken as a […]
In a divorce case where there is an imbalance as to the parties’ respective income and assets, the court may order the party with higher earnings or assets to pay the other party’s attorney’s fees. The court can make pendente lite (while the matter is pending) fees orders as well as orders at time of […]