
Studies show that approximately 40% of children will experience the breakup of their parents’ marriage prior to turning 18 years old. Children of divorced parents are more likely to experience emotional and behavioral problems in comparison with their peers. Although there is a belief that some children are better off with divorced parents than living […]
Guideline child support can be modified up or down depending each parent’s respective income, tax deductions and the timeshare arrangement for the child(ren). The California guideline child support calculator can be found at If you are a custodial parent who seeks to increase child support, the most important thing to find out is whether […]
In cases where parents are continuously returning to court for disputes pertaining to their children such as custody, visitation, education or medical decisions, family counseling may help reduce the parties’ conflicts and teach them how to communicate better and how to work toward a successful co-parenting relationship. Under Family Code section 3190, the court can make […]
Once you have filed your divorce papers, or Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, there are four automatic restraining orders listed on the summons which will be served on your spouse. It is crucial to pay attention to these restraining orders as they are in place during the pendency of the divorce. 1. Child-move aways: The […]