
A divorce goes to trial when couples cannot settle on key issues like child custody, property division, or alimony. When considering a divorce trial, failed negotiations or mediation often push the case to court. This article will delve into the main reasons for a trial and what you can expect during the process. Key Takeaways […]

woman learning about her rights

Preparing for divorce from a narcissist requires meticulous planning and emotional readiness. It’s akin to preparing for a marathon; you need to secure your finances, be ready for a long legal battle, and understand the emotional toll it may take. Such preparation is key to counteracting the narcissist’s attempts to control the divorce process and protecting your interests.

Considering legal separation in California? Learn the essential steps and understand how legal separation laws in California work. This guide covers filing requirements, financial support, and custody arrangements. Key Takeaways Legal separation in California allows couples to live apart while remaining legally married, facilitating the division of property, debts, and financial support without the permanence […]

The discovery phase of divorce is about exchanging key information to ensure a fair and transparent settlement. This article explains the essential steps of discovery and completing divorce financial disclosures between spouses, and what to do if the other party doesn’t comply. Key Takeaways Understanding the Discovery Phase in Divorce The discovery phase in a […]

Winning a custody battle requires strategic planning and a focus on your child’s best interests. This guide on how to prepare for and prevail in a custody battle will show you how to effectively present your case and improve your chances in court. Key Takeaways Prioritize Your Child’s Best Interests In any child custody case, […]

Benjamin Franklin once said, “[i]n this world nothing can be said to be certain, except for death and taxes.” What if death happens in the midst of a divorce or after judgment has been entered in a divorce case?  California law provides that if a party dies while a divorce case is pending, then the […]

In cases where parents are continuously returning to court for disputes pertaining to their children such as custody, visitation, education or medical decisions, family counseling may help reduce the parties’ conflicts and teach them how to communicate better and how to work toward a successful co-parenting relationship. Under Family Code section 3190, the court can make […]

In determining whether a spouse is entitled to permanent spousal support (alimony), the court turns to Family Code Section 4320 which listed the following factors:  (a) The extent to which the earning capacity of each party is sufficient to maintain the standard of living established during the marriage, taking into account all of the following:    (1) […]