Document Preparation Services in Torrance
Document Preparation Services in Torrance
Need to correctly prepare court documents and self-help is confusing? Tired of getting your documents rejected by the court? RLM can help you complete your court documents correct and timely on a per document basis. Contact our office for our flat rate fee schedule.

Property Division
Property Division Services
Property division may be the most important aspect of a divorce matter. This is the area where you and your spouse divide your assets and debts including retirement accounts, liabilities and business interests. An in depth understanding of California “community property” law is necessary to ensure that you will receive your fair share of separate property and community assets/debts.

Spousal Support
Spousal Support Services
You may have heard about “alimony” which the Court generally refers to as “spousal support.” Spousal support is the monthly payment one spouse pays to another while the divorce is pending and sometimes even after the divorce is over. The Court has discretion to set the amount and duration of these payments. RLM can help you determine your spousal support obligation or interest.

Child Support
Child Support Services
Child support is the monthly payment that a parent pays to another for the support of a minor child. It is generally based upon each parent’s income (earned or imputed) and the time each parent has with the child. California court relies on software called Dissomaster to calculate what it refers to as “guideline child support.” A knowledgeable and experienced family law attorney can explore various methods and laws to obtain a guideline support amount in favor of the payor or payee.

Child Custody & Visitation
Child Custody & Visitation Services
A custody & visitation order governs how much time and authority each parent has with the minor child. Whereas a legal custody order regulates each parent’s decision-making power over the child, a physical custody order dictates who the child lives with. A parenting plan is a specific schedule of when each parent has the child including how they split holidays and vacation time. Custody and visitation orders directly linked to how much child support a custodial parent stands to receive.

Paternity Action
Paternity Action Services
This legal proceeding allows unmarried parents to obtain custody and support order for a minor child. In a paternity action, you can request a DNA test, obtain child support, custody & visitation order as well as attorney’s fees (if applicable).

Restraining Order
Restraining Order Services
RLM handles civil restraining order and domestic violence restraining order (“DVRO”). Spouses, romantic partners or parents must seek a domestic violence restraining order whereas everyone else will have to file for a civil restraining order. A CLETS (California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System) restraining orders only occurs in California and has serious consequences for the restrained individuals. Such restraining orders will show up on a background check and affects your ability to own firearms or apply for employment in certain fields. Moreover, a parent with a restraining order against them will face an uphill battle in any custody case.

Prenuptial/ Postnuptial Agreement
Prenuptial/Postnuptial Agreement Services
A pre-nup is an agreement in which fiancés jointly make provisions regarding spousal support and the distribution of assets should they divorce in the future. A postnup is a similar instrument that spouses (or registered domestic partners) enter into during a marriage. The enforceability of prenuptial agreements is governed by Family Law Code section 1615. Due to enforceability issues, it is crucial to have your prenuptial agreement drafted by a knowledgeable family law attorney.

Consulting Attorney
Consulting Attorney Services
RLM provides consulting services to litigants in family law matters who wish to represent themselves. The advantages of a consulting attorney include the ability to control your litigation costs and manage your own case while having the support and knowledge of an experienced family law attorney. With our consulting services, you can have court documents prepared by our office and preparation for each court hearing. Contact our office now to learn more about the benefits of this service.